An Italian painting of a landscape

About Art History

Art historians analyze the art of past and present in order to understand the relationship of a monument, image or work to individual, social, cultural and historical forces. This field is one of the few that trains students to look at and analyze images systematically. In our global world, which is dominated by images, training of this sort becomes increasingly relevant. 

Art History, B.A.

Art History, Minor

Degree Information

By studying art history, students prepare themselves to live in and understand the material world around them. An art history degree represents a good intellectual foundation for many potential careers, whether working in an art gallery or museum, in historical preservation, in archives and libraries, in art and antique dealing, in television or film, in education, in publishing or advertising.

Student Organizations

Students can become involved in various student organizations on campus: the student government sponsored Visual Arts Board; Students Involved in the Art of Metalsmithing (S.I.A.M.) club; the Coalition of Ceramic Designers (C2D) club; and the DotCom club.

An active Art Education Student Chapter affiliated with the New York State Art Teachers Association (NYSATA) and the National Art Education Association (NAEA) initiates numerous professional development activities for students to polish leadership skills, to meet and work with seasoned teachers, to develop a sense of esprit de corps with their peers, and to acquire a professional disposition. 

Other opportunities include student field trips, on and off campus exhibitions, and an annual student sale.

Applied Research Grants

Buffalo State's Undergraduate Research Office provides opportunities for our design students to apply for undergraduate summer research fellowships, research grants, and travel grants to present results of their research. Students participating in research projects also present at the annual Buffalo State Student Research and Creativity Conference. 

Many students have internships at the Burchfield Penney Art Center, the Albright Knox Art Gallery, the Buffalo History Museum, or Hallwalls and other regional arts institutions. 

We're in the Museum District

Buffalo State has three major museums within immediate walking distance. Our classes regularly meet in the galleries to experience art directly and tour the facilities. 

Get Involved

The Burchfield Penney Art Center offers a student program- ACE (The Art and Culture Enthusiasts) which engages students in the daily operations of the museum.

Famous Architecture

Buffalo is named the "best planned city" by the major American architect Frederick Law Olmstead, Buffalo hosts many monuments and buildings for the student of architecture and city planning. 

Alexandra R. Allen Assistant Professor
Jozef Bajus Associate Professor
Marie E. Bogner Visual Resources Curator
Salem Browning Lecturer
Stephen L. Caruana Lecturer
Xin Chen Lecturer
Hyeyeon Cho Lecturer
Robert J. Collignon Lecturer
Kristin D. Crosson Lecturer
Melissa L. Crowell Lecturer
Grace E. Daniel Artist Model
David M. Derner Lecturer
Jaclyn M. Ellis Lecturer
Taylor N. Evans Artist Model
Randy S. Fernando Lecturer
Dana L. Fredo Administrative Assistant 1
Frances M. Gage Associate Professor
James R. Goodrich Lecturer
Ani M. Hoover Lecturer
Marguerite N. Kellam Lecturer
Sunhwa Kim Associate Professor
Judith M. Kosinski Lecturer
Gareth R. Lichty Instructional Support Associate
Michelle C. Long Artist Model
Candace P. Masters Chair and Associate Professor
David J. Mawer Assistant Professor 10 Months
Joseph A. Miller Associate Professor
Joselyne E. Morocho Lecturer
Tara J. Nahabetian Associate Professor
Constance M. Nowak Lecturer
Shasti E. O'Leary-Soudant Assistant Professor
Brent D. Patterson Associate Professor
Alice C. Pennisi Associate Professor
Nemanja Petrovic Lecturer 10 Months
Alain Pierre-Lys Lecturer
Stephen F. Saracino Professor
Jorg E. Schnier Associate Professor
Bhakti Sharma Associate Professor
Kathy G. Shiroki Outreach + Adult Educator
Kristina Siegel Lecturer
Colleen Toledano Associate Professor
Robert L. Wood Professor
Melinda J. Wright Lecturer