“The idea that a professor would sit with me one-on-one and help me was amazing.”
Business Administration

International Student and Scholar Services
International Student and Scholar Services
We'll assist you in making a successful transition to Buffalo State and the United States.

International Student Organization (ISO)
International Student Organization (ISO)
Our goal is to remove borders, create unity and help you make new friends. We are the one of the oldest organizations on campus and we look forward to meeting you!
Meet Your Advisor
Jonathon P. Tedesco
International Operations Manager
Global Engagement
SUNY Buffalo State University
Twin Rise South Wing 410
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Email: Intladmissions@buffalostate.edu / tedescjp@buffalostate.edu
Phone: (716) 878-5331 / (716) 878-5443

Application Deadlines
Please email intladmissions@buffalostate.edu for application dates and deadlines.
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